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Configuration Table

file_path*stringsFile or directory paths to tail for logs.
exclude_file_pathstrings""File or directory paths to exclude.
log_typestring"file"A friendly name that will be added to each log entry as an attribute.
parse_formatenumnoneMethod to use when parsing. Valid values are none, json, and regex. When regex is selected, 'Regex Pattern' must be set.
regex_patternstringThe regex pattern that is used when parsing log entries.
multiline_line_start_patternstringRegex pattern that matches the beginning of a log entry for handling multiline logs.
multiline_line_end_patternstringRegex pattern that matches the end of a log entry, useful for terminating parsing of multiline logs.
parse_timestampboolfalseWhether to parse the timestamp from the log entry.
timestamp_fieldstringtimestampThe field containing the timestamp in the log entry.
parse_timestamp_formatenumISO8601The format of the timestamp in the log entry. Choose a common format, or specify a custom format. Options include "ISO8601", "RFC3339", "Epoch", and "Manual".
epoch_timestamp_formatenumsThe layout of the epoch-based timestamp. It's required when parse_timestamp_format is set to "Epoch". Options include "s", "ms", "us", "ns", "", "", "s.ns".
manual_timestamp_formatstring'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z'The strptime layout of the timestamp. It's used when parse_timestamp_format is set to "Manual".
timezonetimezoneUTCThe timezone to use if the Timestamp Format doesn't include a timezone. Otherwise, the timezone in the Timestamp Format will be respected. NOTE: This is also required to parse timezone abbreviations due to their ambiguity.
parse_severityboolfalseWhether to parse severity from the log entry.
severity_fieldstringseverityThe field containing the severity in the log entry.
encodingenumutf-8The encoding of the file being read. Valid values are nop, utf-8, utf-16le, utf-16be, ascii, and big5.
include_file_name_attributebooltrueWhether to add the file name as the attribute
include_file_path_attributeboolfalseWhether to add the file path as the attribute log.file.path.
include_file_name_resolvedboolfalseWhether to add the file name after symlinks resolution as the attribute log.file.name_resolved.
include_file_path_resolvedboolfalseWhether to add the file path after symlinks resolution as the attribute log.file.path_resolved.
offset_storage_dirstring$OIQ_OTEL_COLLECTOR_HOME/storageThe directory where the offset storage file will be created. It is okay if multiple receivers use the same directory. By default, the observIQ Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector sets $OIQ_OTEL_COLLECTOR_HOME in its runtime.
poll_intervalint200The duration of time in milliseconds between filesystem polls.
max_concurrent_filesint1024The maximum number of log files from which logs will be read concurrently. If the number of files matched exceeds this number, then files will be processed in batches.
parse_tostringbodyThe field that the log will be parsed to. Some exporters handle logs favorably when parsed to attributes over body and vice versa.
start_atenumendStart reading the file from the 'beginning' or 'end'.
*required field