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Log Management

Hello From observIQ!

Mike Kelly
Mike Kelly

At observIQ, we aim to build the best open-source observability solutions for the DevOps and ITOps communities.

Welcome to observIQ!

observIQ is a small group of engineers based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with a long history of developing the best metric and log observability tools globally. Today, we’re launching our first open-source product, which is focused entirely on high-performance log data acquisition. We’ve worked with some of the largest organizations in the industry to solve the challenge of streaming terabytes of logs with the lowest possible resource footprint while maintaining the ease of deployment and configurability you’d expect from a high-quality log agent. We’re excited to share this project with the community and can’t wait for you to try it out! Read on to hear what to expect from observIQ in the future.

We May Look Familiar

The observIQ team started as Blue Medora and, for over ten years, developed metric and log integrations for some of the leading organizations in observability. We developed integrations and agent technology for Google, New Relic, IBM, Oracle, VMware, and many others. As Blue Medora, we developed an unmatched expertise in IT data acquisition. This led to a solid partnership with VMware. Blue Medora delivered metric monitoring integrations to VMware vRealize® Operations customers through the products' Blue Medora True Visibility Suite. Over time, the True Visibility Suite became a critical piece of the VMware vRealize Operations ecosystem. Due to the success of the relationship and a desire to provide a seamless process for our shared customers, VMware acquired the True Visibility Suite team and products from Blue Medora. It will move forward with True Visibility Suite as a VMware solution. We couldn’t be happier to see this powerful collection of tools reach more VMware customers.

What’s Next for observIQ?

Over the past several years, apart from the VMware side of our business, we’ve launched several market-defining products, most recently BindPlane. BindPlane is the first-of-its-kind platform designed to bring hundreds of metric and log monitoring integrations to nearly any observability platform.

After years of laser focus on the monitoring space and talking to hundreds of customers, we've found a gap in log management capabilities. Logs are a struggle for most organizations. The growth in log data has been exponential, and the tools to monitor logs haven’t kept up with that expansion. Some of the largest organizations in the world are struggling to solve the challenge of shipping terabytes of log data every day or every hour. The bottleneck is often at the agent level. We’ve been working hand in hand with some of our largest customers to develop a new, high-performance, highly configurable, open-source log agent capable of meeting their needs. We’re pleased to announce that today, it’s available for download.

We’re excited to share this with you, and as a way of marking this transition, Blue Medora has now become observIQ. At observIQ, we’re focused on solving the log data acquisition challenges through innovative open-source products designed with performance and configurability first.

The open-source log agent is the first product we’re releasing. Architected from the ground up for high performance, the agent is written in Go, optimized for low resource utilization, and designed to have even greater configurability and customizability than legacy agents. We’ve released an initial set of input and output plugins to support the most common workloads and will release new ones weekly. We developed our agent with open-source standards in mind and have designed it for maximum compatibility with existing observability projects.

Coming Soon

Over the next few months, we’ll launch observIQ Cloud, which provides remote configuration, simplified deployment, and best-of-class visualization for a complete log solution.

At observIQ, we’re producing solutions by engineers for engineers, and we love hearing from our customers, so connect with us, give our products a try, or consider working here by visiting our careers page if you share our passion for Observability!

Check out our open-source log agent today!

Mike Kelly
Mike Kelly

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