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BindPlane OP

Latest Release: BindPlane OP v1.7.0 is out now!

Ryan Goins
Ryan Goins

Here are the highlights:

  1. Redesigned Overview page that makes it easy to identify configs sending the most data

BindPlane OP Overview Page

  1. The configuration editing experience has been simplified, and is now done from the topology view

Topology view for config editing

  • Introduces two new processors:
    • HTTP Status Code filter for logs
    • Mask Sensitive data to prevent PII from being sent to your analysis tools
  1. Lots of small UI improvements + fixes

See more in the release notes:

Have questions or if you want to learn more about how to use BindPlane OP, check out the observability blog, visit the BindPlane OP page at, or ask our developers directly in our BindPlane OP Slack Community.

Ryan Goins
Ryan Goins

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