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Install and Uninstall Agents

BindPlane OP works in conjunction with the BindPlane Agent, which can be installed on Linux or Windows and supports the following distributions:

The BindPlane Agent runs on Linux or Windows and supports the following distributions:

  • AlmaLinux 8, 9
  • CentOS 7, 8 Stream, 9 Stream
  • Debian 10, 11, 12
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9
  • Rocky Linux 7, 8, 9
  • Scientific Linux 7
  • SuSE Enterprise Linux 12 and 15
  • Ubuntu LTS 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
  • Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022

Additionally, the following are supported only in BindPlane Enterprise

  • CentOS 6
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Scientific Linux 6
  • SuSE Enterprise Linux 11 SP4 (Earlier SP are not supported)
  • Windows 7, 10, 11
  • Windows Server 2008

Other Operating Systems

Other operating systems, especially modern Linux variants using systemd, will likely work. These are still considered unsupported, as they have not been tested and vetted by observIQ.

Installation Script


🚧 Install Agents from BindPlane OP

To install the collector, you should get the installation script from BindPlane OP Server as outlined in Step 3 of our Quickstart Guide. Doing so ensures the agent instantly connects to BindPlane OP and can be managed without additional configuration.


📘 Agent or Collector: What's the difference?

We often use the terms Agent and Collector interchangeably. When you see either throughout the product or the documentation, we're always referring to the BindPlane Agent


Ansible can be used as an alternative to the agent install script. The BindPlane Agent Ansible Role can be integrated into your Ansible playbooks to manage the installation of BindPlane OP-managed agents.

Ansible is useful for installing agents at scale, where the installation script would be cumbersome to manage on hundreds or thousands of systems.


The BindPlane Agent role must be cloned to your workstation and added to your playbook before it can be deployed.

Clone Repo

Clone the Ansible Role Git repository to your roles directory.

The following command will clone the repository to the directory roles/bindplane_agent.

1git clone roles/bindplane_agent

Update Playbook

Update your Ansible Playbook to include the bindplane_agent role. The role requires the following parameters:

  • version: BindPlane Agent version
  • endpoint: The remote URL of the BindPlane OP server
  • secret_key: The secret key of the BindPlane OP server. You can find the secret key on the install agent page, or with the CLI command bindplane secret get.
1- name: my-playbook
2  hosts: my-hosts
3  become: yes
4  roles:
5    - role: bindplane_agent
6      version: '1.39.1'
7      endpoint: 'wss://'
8      secret_key: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx'


Once the role is configured in your playbook, you can deploy the agents to your host group. For example:

1ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i ./site.yml

This command assumes you have a playbook file playbook.yml and a site file site.yml in your working directory, along with the roles/bindplane_agent directory.

Additional Documentation

A comprehensive list of configuration options can be found in the BindPlane Agent Role Github repository.

Uninstall The BindPlane Agent

On Linux, macOS, or Windows, run the following command to uninstall the collector:

1sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL" -r
1sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL" -r
1(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name = 'observIQ OpenTelemetry Collector'").Uninstall()

Optionally, on Windows, you can uninstall the collector via the control panel. Simply follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the control panel, then to the "Uninstall a program" dialog.
  2. Locate the observIQ OpenTelemetry Collector entry, and select uninstall.
  3. Follow the wizard to complete the removal of the collector.