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CrowdStrike Falcon LogScale


This destination configures an exporter to send logs to CrowdStrike Falcon Logscale.

Supported Types

LogsMetricsTracesBindPlane Agent

Configuration Table

HostnameHostname of the CrowdStrike Falcon LogScale server.
PortTCP port to which the exporter is going to send metrics.
Ingest TokenThe token which provides authentication to ingest logs.

Supported Retry and Queuing Settings

This destination supports the following retry and queuing settings:

Sending QueuePersistent QueueRetry on Failure

Creating an Ingest Token

An ingest token can be configured by following the CrowdStrike documentation.

At the time of writing, navigate to 'Repositories and Views' and go the the repository you would like to set as the receiving repository. Then, go the settings of that repository and navigate down to ingest tokens.

observIQ docs - CrowdStrike_Settings
observIQ docs - CrowdStrike_Token