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Event Bus

BindPlane Event Bus Helm Configuration

When operating BindPlane in a distributed architecture, an external event bus must be configured.

Google Pub/Sub

Automatic Authentication

Google Pub/Sub can be configured without credentials when using Google Application Default Credentials.

When running on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, BindPlane can authenticate to Pub/Sub without the use of a service account as long as the GKE node pool has the Required Scopes enabled.

2  type: 'pubsub'
3  pubsub:
4    projectid: 'my-project'
5    topic: 'bindplane'

Service Account Credentials

If operating outside of Google Cloud, a service account JSON credential can be used. This example creates a secret named bindplane-pubsub which contains the service account JSON key.

1kubectl create secret generic bindplane-pubsub \
2  --from-file=credentials.json
2  type: 'pubsub'
3  pubsub:
4    projectid: 'my-project'
5    topic: 'bindplane'
6    credentials:
7      secret: bindplane-pubsub
8      subPath: credentials.json


This section will explain how to configure Kafka using the BindPlane Helm chart. You can read more about the Kafka event bus here.

Basic Example

This example will use a Kafka cluster with three nodes

2  brokers: ',,'
3  protocolVersion: '3.5.0'
4  topic: 'bindplane'

Auth and TLS

This example will use the same Kafka cluster as the previous example but with authentication and mutual TLS.

2  brokers: ',,'
3  protocolVersion: '3.5.0'
4  topic: 'bindplane'
5  auth:
6    type: sasl
7    sasl:
8      username: bindplane
9      password: bindplanePassword
10      mechanism: scramSHA512
11      version: 1
12  tls:
13    enable: true
14    insecure: false
15    secret:
16      name: kafka-client
17      caSubPath: ca.crt
18      crtSubPath: client.crt
19      keySubPath: client.key