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BindPlane Agent Container Images

The BindPlane Agent can be pulled from several container registries and offers multiple formats suitable for a variety of requirements.


The BindPlane Agent container images can be pulled from the following registries:

RegistryImageArchitecture Support
GitHub Container Registry (default), arm64
Docker Hubobserviq/bindplane-agentamd64, arm64
Google Artifact, arm64

Image Tags

There are two image tags available for each version:

Standard Image

  • Format: {{major.minor.patch}}
  • Example: 1.55.0
  • Base: Ubuntu

The standard image is used by default and supports all agent receivers as it contains the required Systemd libraries (Journald receiver) and Java runtime (JMX receiver).

Minimal Image

  • Format: {{major.minor.patch}}-minimal
  • Example: 1.55.0-minimal
  • Base: Scratch

The minimal image is a scratch-based container, suitable for environments requiring low surface area images. It does not contain the required dependencies to support journald or JMX receivers. It does support all Kubernetes sources, except the container logs source's journald input.